Tickets Go On Sale Next Week!

Our October grand opening will be announced next week! Pre-sale tickets are going to be available on Wednesday night! Be the first to try and escape/get stumped by our game designers! The countdown is ON!

-3421Days -15Hours -31Min -1Sec

Be sure to join our mailing list for all the up to date information sent directly to your mailbox!


We are open by appointment only! Please do all booking online, once tickets become available!

News Update – 9/19/2015

thank you for helping us reach over 2,600 facebook fans! we are wOrking hard to Create an unforgettable and challenging experience- and we appreciate all the supporT! we will be announcing our lOcation information, grand opening date, & pre-order information soon! the Best way to stay up to date with evERything is to check this page frequently, follow us on twitter (@escaperoomwny) and to join our mailing list ( scroll to the bottom of the page )
